
Monday, September 29, 2014

Our Baby is Growing up

Well.... it has been a long time since I have posted and for all of my four faithful followers - I am so sorry :) hee hee.  Now that Hayden is 2, everything has gotten busier around the house.  We have toys everywhere and we are working on getting Hayden to pick them up.  Lately, he has been interested in exercising more independence so he has been put in time out more often since his "independence" is more defiance and boundary testing.

This weekend he was a really good boy because we had to install these motorized storage pulleys in our garage which took the whole day on Sunday to install so we let him watch his favorite videos while we worked away in the garage.

Maybe I'll be better at posting... I am thinking of creating a business blog but will have to do a better job of being consistent on that one.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Hayden's got skills

After finishing 3 weeks of swimming lessons at the Y, Hayden loves to swim equally as much as he loves his baths.  He is definitely a little fish.  He likes to go under water, have water poured over his head, put his hands in the sprinkler and sit in big bowls of water. For the days we don't go to the pool, we got a kiddie pool for him to play in for his own little party oasis at home.  The pic below is him playing in the sprinkler not really sure if he likes the cold water splashing on him.  He still prefers warmer water so we have to fill his kiddie pool with some warm water from the faucet.

Hayden is walking all over everywhere now.  He has discovered the safety gate at the top of the stairs with the big fan blowing the cold air from downstairs up; we have to visit that gate and look at the fan about 350 million times per day.  By the end of the day, my feet ache from chasing him around.
At Grandma's lake house (Weeks) on Friday 7-19

We went to visit Grandma and Grandpa Weeks and Aunt Julie on Friday.  We went swimming and then Hayden played in the water on the front porch.  Grandma has a big steel bowl and we filled it with water for more play time.  Hayden decided to fit himself in this bowl to cool off his butt :).  He made a big mess but what the hay, it is just water.  It was a nice visit topped off with my most favorite food in the world; pork ribs!  Hayden was fast asleep 5 minutes after leaving which made for a quiet ride home.

Have a happy day, I know I will!


Friday, June 14, 2013

Beedeebeedeebee - bweedabweedabweeda - Memorial Weekend 2013

The main words that Hayden says are in his own language.  Every once in a while an emphatic "daddy" or "byebye" will come out.  Now at 13 months, he has taken several steps and has been pulling himself up and walking along furniture for a couple of months. He has been a bit frustrated because he wants to be independent so mommy bought him a toy to help him along in his mobile efforts.  Every Saturday morning and some nights after work, when not at swim lessons, we are out rolling or walking around with his new toy.  As you can see, he is very proud of his toy and himself.

We bought Hayden a life jacket for the lake and it is one of those that have the crotch strap.  Sara and I were trying it on him and she was pulling the strap up too tight so I was glad to get to swim lessons so the instructor could prove that I was right in loosening the strap!  

(L to R) Sara, Hayden Nicholas, Colton, William, Merlyn (Sara's dad), & Charlie
We went to Sara's folk's lake in Waubay, SD over memorial weekend.  While we were able to visit with her family, Hayden got to meet his cousins, a few not shown (Catherine 12 mo., Matt 14, Samantha 18).  We brought a few toys including a couple of balls.  The kids had a great time because grandpa's house has so much room to toss and bounce them.

I guess that is all for now.  I probably should get ready for work but it is FRIDAY!! And we are going to the Weeks lake house on Saturday for more lake fun.  I got a couple of surprises that not even Sara knows about.  We will see who fights over them cause they're gonna be fun :).

Monday, March 25, 2013

Bubby boy Approaching One Year Old


Look at me in my toy box
Ok you can start painting my picture now

KU Won!  Off to the Sweet 16!
Hayden has already become a Jayhawk basketball fan.  The bottom pic is he and me watching the KU/North Carolina game which we won.  Above that, he has his Jayhawks shirt on.

He is pulling himself up on furniture, crawling and getting into everything.  He is such an active little boy and so happy!  He loves people, other kids, eating, toys and of course his mommy and daddy.  And his mommy and daddy just adore him :).

On another note, mommy's YMCA in Raytown and Independence are closing so it will dramatically cut her extracurricular work schedule.  I am sure that Hayden will love it and so will I (don't tell mommy!).

That's all for now.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

8.5 Months and Daddy Gets to Stay Home

The holidays were fun this year with our little boy. For Thanksgiving, we went to grandma and grandpa Drake's lake place and we went to grandma and grandpa Weeks' lake house for Christmas.

Hayden has been getting an mouthful of teeth and was cutting 3 of them along with a cold over xmas so he was a mamby pamby clingy boy. Now that his teeth have broken through his gums, he is feeling much better and more of an independent happy boy. The pics of him are playing with his toys and in his pajamas upon seeing his kitty while playing in his toy box.

He is growing so fast so daddy is happy to report that he left his job for a new position with less travel and a better cultural fit so he gets to play with baby boy every night. Yayyy!

Mommy is doing well as always. She is always even steven and still teaching at the YMCA after work. Hayden also loves to go the to the Y with mommy to play with toys and all of the kids there.

We are also redoing all of our floors upstairs with wood floors, tile and new carpet.

More on that including pics later....

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Bumbo Seat

Hayden is 25 weeks and will be 6 months next week.
He likes his Bumbo seat ok but it is a bit constrictive for his active little self.

We did break out the bouncy seat and he loves it, especially if Zumba music is playing. He jumped in it so long he just fell asleep in it!

Since I travel so much, I can't seem to tear myself away from little M3 when I am home which is bad for my fitness but good for my soul and his :-). I am always taking pics so we took a pic last week while playing because he likes looking at himself.

Well it has been too long between posts so I hope it won't he won't be a year before my next one.

Til next time bloggy world...

Peace, Loren

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Labor Day Weekend - Hayden is 4 months

Mommy and Hayden woke up after a long drive on Friday to her folks' lake house in SD. There was a
Big party and Hayden had a great time.

He is such a cute little boy and a great traveler. Today he got into the lake up to his legs but the water is too cod for a little one.